Zoltán Jászberényi

Zoltán Jászberényi


NRGWorks Kft.

Zoltán Jászberényi started his career in the natural gas and electric power industry in 1998, first at Emerson Group (USA) From 2004, he was the managing director of the French electric company group Areva, then in 2006 he joined the E. ON Gas Storage, as member of the board of directors, and from 2010 he holds the position of chairman of the company's board of directors. In 2011, he joined the group ENGIE (GDF Suez), where he was the CEO of Dunamenti PP until 2015. From 2015, he became the managing director of a Hungarian smart metering company, Cason Plc. From 2017, he was the regional general manager of the Italian gas technology company Pietro Fiorentini, where, in addition to the design and manufacture of natural gas smart metering and pressure control systems, he worked on the application of renewable gases. From 2023, founder and managing director of NRGWorks Ltd., as a Hungarian-owned company, remained the domestic representative of Pietro Fiorentini products.